Shahid Kapoor and Mira Kapoor’s daughter, Misha, turned 8 on Monday, August 26. The household celebrated with a grand Taylor Swift-themed celebration. Misha’s aunt, actress Sanah Kapur, shared a sequence of images from the celebration on Instagram, giving everybody a glimpse of the fun-filled occasion. The put up included a candy image of Sanah posing along with her mom, Supriya Pathak, surrounded by vibrant balloons. One balloon, particularly, caught consideration with the message, “Misha’s birthday period,” a nod to Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour. The cake was additionally a spotlight, that includes multi-coloured icing and ornamental disco balls.
In her caption, Sanah cleverly integrated titles of assorted Taylor Swift songs. She wrote, “We acquired actually ‘Bejeweled’ as my Mishu turned 8 in true Swiftie style! This is to a hella ‘August’ day and to recollections that will likely be remembered ‘All Too Nicely.'” Have a look: 
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If the one you love’s birthday is arising, listed here are some scrumptious cake recipes it’s essential to attempt:

1. The Affinities Cake

Affinities cake is a novel and inventive cake, designed to replicate a mix of flavours that complement one another completely. When you attempt it out, it’d simply turn out to be your new favorite. Click on right here for the recipe.

2. Dairy-Free Chocolate Cake

This wealthy and moist chocolate cake is made with none dairy merchandise. It’s tremendous indulgent and satisfyng and ultimate for many who are lactose illiberal or have dairy allergic reactions. Recipe right here.

3. Eggless Date Cake

This cake makes use of dates as the first sweetener. It’s a healthful dessert possibility, offering a wealthy flavour and a moist texture. Need the recipe? Click on right here.
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4. Mississippi Mud Cake

That includes layers of moist chocolate cake, this cake is topped with a gooey marshmallow layer and coated in a wealthy chocolate glaze. It is a must-try cake for chocolate lovers. Detailed recipe right here.

5. Blueberry Cake

This gentle and fruity cake is full of contemporary blueberries. The berries add a burst of flavour and a wonderful color to the cake. Discover the complete recipe right here.

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